Download OpenAPI specification:Download
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Production —
Returns the status and registered securities for a title. Details of closed, cancelled and amalgamated titles will not be returned. For draft titles, securities will not be returned.
titleNumber required | string [ 4 .. 11 ] characters ^[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{1,8}$ Example: MID15313 Title number |
{- "titleNumber": "MID15313",
- "titleType": "12",
- "status": "REGISTERED",
- "securities": [
- {
- "id": "b2JmdXNjYXRlZA",
- "applicationType": "PAPER",
- "specification": "Standard Security by said IONA MACLEOD and EUAN MACLEOD to BANK OF MONEY incorporated under the Building Societies Act 1986, Head Office Dollar House, Euro Way, Moneytown MT66 9PL.",
- "dateOfRegistration": "2015-05-12",
- "source": "TITLE"
Search known creditors for use as the applicant of a standard security.
This API will return a maximum of 15 results.
query required | string [ 3 .. 20 ] characters Example: query=santander Search query |
[- {
- "designation": "SANTANDER UK PLC incorporated under the Companies Acts (Company Number 02294747), Registered Office 2 Triton Square, Regent's Place, London NW1 3AN",
- "creditorCode": "SANT4"
Create a new RLP case. The matter reference, subject details, FAS number and agent contact details must all be supplied.
reference required | string <= 50 characters Example: "SMITH/2023/8" Agent's matter reference for the case. Uniqueness is recommended but not required. | ||||||
required | object (Agent) FAS number and contact details for the agent | ||||||
| |||||||
required | Array of objects A list of subjects for the deeds in the case. The first version of the API will only allow a single registered title but an array must be given to allow for future changes. | ||||||
{- "reference": "SMITH/2023/8",
- "agent": {
- "fas": "1877",
- "contactEmail": "",
- "contactTelephone": "0131 567 8910"
}, - "subjects": [
- {
- "type": "REGISTERED",
- "titleNumber": "MID15313"
{- "id": "RLP23MHWTHXCS",
Add a deed to an existing case. The case cannot be private and must belong to the organisation associated with the OAuth client ID.
Deeds can only be added to cases that have a single registered or draft title subject, but deeds over part added via the UI are ignored when adding a new deed with the API. The case need not have been created via the API. Currently, only dispositions, standard securities and discharges of standard security can be created using the API and the deed must be over the whole of a single title.
caseId required | string^RLP[\d]{2}[A-Z]{8}$ Example: RLP23MHWTHXCS Case unique identifier. The pattern is documented here for information and may change without notice. |
deedType required | string Enum: "1" "11" "20" Deed type identifier. 1 = Discharge of Standard Security, 11 = Disposition, 20 = Standard Security. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
subjectExtent required | string Value: "REGISTERED_WHOLE" The part of the case subject the deed relates to. In this version of the API, this must be REGISTERED_WHOLE, meaning the deed relates to the whole of a single registered or draft title. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
securityId | string [ 1 .. 20 ] characters Example: "b2JmdXNjYXRlZA" Optional, permitted for discharges over registered titles only. This is the ID of the security to be discharged, retrieved from the title information endpoint. If not provided, the security must be selected in the UI. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mortgageNumbers | Array of strings <= 25 items [ items [ 1 .. 50 ] characters ] Example: "684-599-354" Optional, permitted for discharges over registered titles only. A list of mortgage numbers. If the discharge must be done on paper this information is discarded. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
notificationEmails | Array of strings <= 4 items [ items <= 255 characters ] Example: "" List of emails to receive notifications about this application. Optional; can be completed in the UI. Maximum 4 email addresses. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Array of DeedParty (object) or CreditorApplicant (object) List of applicants. For a standard security, a single creditor applicant is required. For a discharge, granter applicants are not supported. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Array One of
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Array of objects (DeedParty) List of granters. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
{- "deedType": "1",
- "subjectExtent": "REGISTERED_WHOLE",
- "securityId": "b2JmdXNjYXRlZA",
- "mortgageNumbers": [
- "684-599-354"
], - "notificationEmails": [
- ""
], - "applicants": [
- {
- "type": "NATURAL",
- "prefix": "Doctor",
- "firstName": "Iona",
- "lastName": "MacLeod",
- "organisationName": "Bank of Money",
- "organisationNumber": "SC03849813",
- "address": {
- "name": "3rd Floor, Meadowbank House",
- "number": 112,
- "street": "London Road",
- "town": "Edinburgh",
- "postcode": "EH7 5GH",
- "country": "UK"
], - "granters": [
- {
- "type": "NATURAL",
- "prefix": "Doctor",
- "firstName": "Iona",
- "lastName": "MacLeod",
- "organisationName": "Bank of Money",
- "organisationNumber": "SC03849813",
- "address": {
- "name": "3rd Floor, Meadowbank House",
- "number": 112,
- "street": "London Road",
- "town": "Edinburgh",
- "postcode": "EH7 5GH",
- "country": "UK"
{- "id": "5bde84ac-933b-e49c-6edd-48bc13ae8fb3067c"